Saturday, April 14, 2012


           They don’t say, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” for nothing.  Breakfast sets the platform for your day.  Breakfast is really important and what you choose to eat for breakfast is just as important.  A Frappuccino from Starbucks is an option that many college students go for.  If you look at the sugar and calorie content of a Frappuccino it is worse than soda.  You wouldn’t have soda for breakfast now would you?  The answer I am looking for is no.  Another breakfast item many college students go for is the typical bagel and cream cheese.  Now let’s look at this option.  A plain Sara Lee bagel is 240 calories.  A 2 oz serving of cream cheese is another 200 calories.  We are already at 440 calories for a “meal” that has little nutritional value.

Now I understand why we sometimes choose these options.  They are convenient right?  Well there are healthier alternatives that are still pretty convenient.  Let’s start off with the smoothie.  Frozen berries, ice, non-fat milk or yogurt, and granola.  This is a quick and easy breakfast that actually provides some good stuff.  It has fiber that will help keep you feeling full because it digests more slowly.  Another fantastic option is a high fiber cereal.  You can add some sliced fruit to jazz it up.  I love adding strawberries or blueberries to my cereal.  A recent study found that regular cereal eaters had fewer weight problems than non-cereal eaters.  I like the odds.  This website gives some other breakfast options that are both healthy and delicious.  So what will you be having for breakfast?



  1. I have to agree with the author on not having soda for breakfast, but for some reason with the Frappuccino containing coffee it actually seems like a good breakfast idea. Starbucks does at least have lower calorie and sugar options available in their drinks for those who need their morning latte. When it comes to bagels, there are healthier options as well such as the mini or whole wheat bagels. A small change in breakfast food choices would be easier for consumers to make fit into their lifestyle.

  2. I agree with sharon in the first comment. I think by asking people to completely alter their eating habbis they are accustom to for breakfast or cutting them down, it would be much simpler to make small, healthier changes that you can gradually build on. It is also important to consider peoples eating schedules. Some individuals only consume breakfast and dinner, so a 400 calorie meal wold actually be quite practical for reaching a reasonable amount of calories for the day.

  3. Wow, I totally agree with you about the Starbucks. I know a few classmates that tend to choose a Starbucks as their breakfast. Thinking of how a person would drink a soda for breakfast has me at disguise really. I can't see how people can live every day in knowing that what they are drinking is really just sugar. I think a good self-awareness among what we consume can help with in improving our lifestyle.

  4. Honestly, I don't understand why many people get the Frappucino's from Starbucks. They are very unhealthy and don't have any nutritional value. I agree with the author that we always chose the more convenient options for breakfast as college students but I have to admit that if you are going to Starbucks to get your breakfast, there are many healthy options available as well. For example, they have the egg white, spinach and feta wrap, as well as the choice of oatmeal. Since college students are always on the go, I think you should provide more available options in your article and maybe give more ideas on where they can pick up a quick breakfast that's healthy.

  5. I for one, feel good for not being a frequent Starbucks consumer. Your post supports my claims on the importance of eating breakfast and especially WHAT you eat for breakfast. I never agreed with drinking just coffee or some sort of Starbucks drink as a substitute for a physical breakfast meal. If I were going to consume a liquid as a meal replacement, I would opt for a protein shake. At least there I am getting a lot more nutrients for the calories I would be otherwise, consuming. I like how you mentioned adding berries and other fruits to breakfasts, as it really does make things tastes better and adding more nutrients for that meal.

  6. I completely agree that a sugary Starbucks drink should not take the place of a whole breakfast meal. I for one used to love drinking the Starbucks frappuccinos in the morning, and I would completely forget about eating breakfast for the day. I of course would always end up feeling really tired within a matter of hours from the sugar rush. I think that eating a healthy breakfast in the morning is very important, and is very easy to skip out on because the morning is the most common part of the day to be late for. I personally started eating more breakfast meals in the morning, and how found that I have more energy throughout the day. I also think it is great from keeping you away from making bad food decisions throughout the rest of the day.

  7. Breakfast absolutely is the most important meal of the day! It provides us with the fuel to start our engines, and it is essential that we give our bodies the right source of fuel. By skipping breakfast, loading up on sugar, or eating calorie dense nutrient low foods, our bodies are constantly trying to catch up throughout the day (or we shut down and need a nap). Fresh fruit smoothies with greek yogurt and ice, are a great way to start the day. You can also top off the smoothie with granola to add fiber and healthy carbohydrates. Oatmeal or cereal (that is not high in sugar) are also good options for breakfast. It is important for all of us nutrition majors to really educate the population on the importance of a healthy breakfast. Having energy, mental clarity, a positive attitude and better overall performance are reasons why breakfast should be the most important meal of the day.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I enjoyed reading your blog, it was very easy and fun to read. I liked how you were straight to the point. I never knew that a Frappuccino from Starbucks is worst then soda, and the way you said “you wouldn’t have soda for breakfast know would you?” was very catchy because it worked on me. Adding more strawberries was a smart thing to say because it sounds like you can eat more for fewer calories, which I love!!! Overall, great job on your blog and I enjoyed reading it.
