Saturday, February 25, 2012

Making Habits Stick!

Having trouble sticking to your diet or exercise routine…maybe even struggling with studying?  If so, chances are that you have not yet made your new efforts a habit.  Researchers have found that there is a habit-creating process in the brain called the “three-step loop”.   This loop is what takes a new skill and over several weeks creates a habit so that your brain does not have to work as hard to complete this task.

The steps include  
  1.) a cue that triggers the brain to go into automatic mode
 2.)  a routine or automatic reaction that follows in response
        3.) a reward 

This means that if you consistently practice a healthy or helpful behavior such as a new diet, starting an exercise program or even new study methods, over a short period of repetition these new behaviors will begin to become “second nature” and you will be more likely to continue these behaviors in the future as they are easier to choose and stick to because your brain has ‘classified’ these actions as habits and can conserve its efforts when doing so. Why not start today with creating some new and healthy behaviors!?

The Sports, Wellness, and Cardiovascular Nutrition practice group associated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has published a guide on 10 Simple Steps to Make Good Habits More Delicious.   This guide shares detailed tips on how to incorporate the Dietary Guidelines into your diet to make healthy eating much more fun and delicious!  With great pictures, easy to read tables and charts, and quick tips…this is a great manual to print out and keep in your kitchen so you can start those healthy eating practices and stick to them!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Oops! Tylenol did it again. . .

It seems like the number one brand in alleviating fevers and pain for infants has 
not learned from its first lesson back in 2010.
The most recent recall involves a little over half a million bottles. If you are a 
parent or have a child at home you don't have to panic.
The recall was mainly because of the design of the bottle. The new bottles of Tylenol
contain a sensitive syringe that is attached to the cap of the bottle.
The tip of the syringe could potentially brake off and float on the bottom of the 
bottle. This leaves us with 574,000 being removed from shelves that recently saw 
them disappearing 2 years ago.
If you have one of the now recalled bottles you can still use it. However you have 
to be careful that the bottle's cap and syringe are in good conditions and consult 
a pediatrician on how much dosage your child needs. 
If you do not feel safe with the product you can use a generic brand, which 
practically contain the same stuff Tylenol does, or a medication with paracetamol. 
Think about it, sometimes a fever does not have to be treated with medicine.
 You can avoid drugs and use home remedies or consult a doctor. 
Most importantly, you should know the regular temperatures for children and toddlers
 and when to recur to medication.

Boys. Anorexia. Who Would Have Guessed?

When I say the word Anorexia, what is the first things that you picture in your mind? A GIRL, right!!! Well, recent findings done by the National Eating Disorder Association, have found that close to one million males in the United States are suffering from anorexia or bulimia. So, why are we not aware of these findings? Simple. An eating disorder is not suppose happen to young males. The shame that is related with this disorder often makes these cases hard to come across with. There are definitely more growing numbers of these cases that are not being recorded, because these individuals are just too embarrassed to admit that they have " A girl problem."

If this disease is only suppose to happen to women then the challenge for these boys becomes the search for medical attention. Since these boys are often ashamed of their condition, they are more prone to be twice as sick than the opposite sex. This becomes a major problem because by the time that the family members of these individuals catch on, the person will be in devastating stages of the disease.

Okay. Well, what if a boy wants to seek help and is not ashamed to admit his problem? The reality is that resources to help ameliorate this condition are often just targeted toward females. If a teenage boy types in his computer, "What can I do if I am battling Anorexia," all of the results would be geared toward the female audience. The problem is clear, there needs to be help readily available for males not just females. It is crucial to make these individuals understand that their problem can be cured and that there are ways (facilities, programs, and intervention) that can help them with their problem.

You can follow and learn more about male anorexia by viewing the stories of Avi Sinai, Victor Avon and TJ Warschefsky at Boys dying to be thin: the new face of anorexia.

By: Stephanie Loza

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Food Safety, Urban Myths?

We all are well aware that we can get sick from food poisoning, but are we all aware of how food poisoning can be contracted?  Some rumors spread about certain foods, and it is definitely scary news! Fortunately, some of these silly rumors and urban myths are false. 

Think mayo is deadly? Wrong! Mayo has been to shown to have 'penicillin-like' properties, and the acid and salt are deadly to microbes.  Don't worry about leaving the mayo out for too long, because these factors keep it safe for longer than you think!

"It smells fine, so it's safe, right?" Wrong! Food spoilage isn't based on the smell of rotting food; it is based on how it is prepared and stored.  E. coli and Salmonella can be all over your food, but you can't tell based on smell or taste, so be careful!

"Rinsing my vegetables cleans them off." Uh, no it doesn't!  Most packaged vegetables are already cleaned and sanitized, but other vegetables aren't already sanitized, and water simply just doesn't do the trick.  Even rinsing off vegetables only lowers the pathogen count a little, but if the vegetable is contaminated, rinsing it off won't do a thing.

"I'm going to rinse my hands before I cook dinner." Well you better march your butt back in there and use soap and warm water!  Running your hands under water for a few seconds will not clean them.  The key to clean hands is warm water, soap, friction, and a good 20 seconds.  The friction in combination with soap and water rips the bacteria off of your hands, but doesn't kill the bacteria.  I like to sing the birthday song when washing my hands, it lasts about 20 seconds.  Don't forget to use soap and warm water!

Learn more facts about food safety and urban myths, I wish I knew these sooner!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Food For Though ..... Genes

Nutrigenomics is the growing field of study that combines nutrition and how it relates to how our genes are expressed, particularly how it relates to the expression of hereditary or chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and others. There are nutritional factors to all of these diseases, and the theory behind nutrigenomics is that; nutrition is the one thing you can easily control, so it is a big factor that you should focus on when looking to prevent or help control these diseases. There are companies that analyze a sample of skin form the inside of your cheek and they will look at your DNA and tell you what diseases you might be susceptible to and what kind of diets or what kind of foods you can eat to help prevent these diseases form manifesting. How cool is that!? Of course this process isn’t fool proof or an end all to every disease, but it is a great start.  It also brings up a lot of interesting questions or problems regarding ethics about your DNA. So the big question is, is it worth it?
Let’s say that an insurance company gets a hold of your DNA profile and refuses to insure you because you are highly susceptible to having heart disease, that doesn’t seem very fair. They can do that though, if they feel like they are going to risk loosing money by insuring you they don’t have to insure you. This is a problem. But, by getting the this test done you may be better off by knowing how to help combat or prevent your heart disease, at what cost though? Hopefully not the cost of having health insurance. This is a highly interesting field of study and a potentially lucrative field of study, and given all this and given all these controversies about it, is it even worth it? What if you would just eat right in the first place? I feel the saying “ignorance is bliss” applies to this situation; as long as you are consciously taking care of your body and eating the right things, do you really need to know what disease you are susceptible to getting?

by Peter Sloan

Monday, February 20, 2012

Feeling Tired All The Time?

As a college student, you are always busy. You do everything, such as showering the night before, leaving clothes ready for the next morning, and even skipping breakfast to stay in bed for a few extra minutes. But do you notice that the rest of the day you are feeling tired?  Then you wish you could take a nap? What you are doing wrong is skipping breakfast!
          You have probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and guess what? Breakfast is the most important meal! Breakfast in the morning provides you with the energy you need to stay awake, that is if you are eating the right kind of food. Don’t just think that by eating a bagel or a muffin, or in essence, foods loaded with simple carbohydrates or high in sugar, that you will be set for a day full of activities. Foods high in fiber is what you want to eat. In this article, Dr. Oz tells you what makes fiber so beneficial.
          Here is a list of foods that are high in fiber, and that will boost your energy and help you survive the busy schedule of a typical college student:

1) Fresh and Dried Fruit:
-  Apples with the skin
-  Avocados
-  Bananas
-  Blueberries
-  Grapefruits
-  Plums

2) Grains, Beans, Nuts and Seeds:
-  Almonds
-  Black beans
-  Cashews
-  Lentils
-  Oats
-  Quinoa
-  Sunflower seeds

3)  Vegetables:
-  Broccoli
-  Cabbage
-  Carrots
-  Onions
-  Tomatoes

          As you can see, those foods are not really hard to find; you can find them at your local grocery store! They are convenient foods; most of them you can easily store in a plastic bag the night before and eat them while you are waiting for class to start or 5 minutes before you leave to start your hectic day!
By Nallely Ibarra

Saturday, February 18, 2012

4 Cheap & Natural Cures That Work

Aloe Vera: According to some research, aloe gel may
sooth ulcers and improve bowel regularity
Let's be honest, most of time when we feel a cold coming on or even encounter a minor bodily ailment, we don't always run straight to the drugstore or make a visit to the doctor's office. I know for me personally, that is almost always the case (unless it's a life-or-death sort of situation). Especially as a busy college student, I don't always have the time or money to go out of my way to pay and receive treatment, or to be blatantly honest, I am simply just lazy at times and would rather find a quick and easy fix for myself.

So for those of you who are like me, here are some easy home-remedies to try that can help you feel better fast:
  1. Lemon Juice on a Bug Bite-- Acidic liquids like lemon juice or even vinegar can act as powerful anti-sting treatments. Since venom in stingers tend to be alkaline, by applying something acidic can counteract the poison and prevent it from spreading. A drop or two on the spot should do the job!
  2. A Pinch on the Hand to Lower Anxiety-- This acupressure move is often prescribed to reduce stress: squeeze the fleshy portion of skin between your thumb and pointer finger to the point where you slightly feel uncomfortable but not painful, and hold for three minutes. By doing so, the pressure raises endorphin levels, which are you body's natural feel-good chemicals.
  3. Honeyed Rum for a Cold-- In case you don't have Nyquil laying around, there is this alternative cure for stuffiness and a sore throat: a "cocktail" made with a few ounces of hot water, one tablespoon of rum, the juice of one lemon and three tablespoons of honey. The alcohol added is to help relieve pain and relax you, and the honey is antiviral and will coat the throat for a soothing effect.
  4. Aloe Vera for Tummy Troubles-- Aloe Vera has been revered by Hawaiians as a cure-all wonder plant for years. Not only do they rub it on cuts and sunburns, they also ingest the gel to calm upset stomach and prevent constipation.
If you guys are interested in even more quick home remedies, click here!

Diet Soda or Regular Soda?

Soda is everyone's favorite drink and most people don't just drink a 12 oz can but rather have 3 times or more that amount every day! People seem to think that because soda has no fat it won't make YOU fat but this isn't true at all. Soda is very high in calories and sugar, which are forms of energy, and the energy that we don't use we store as fat. According to the Harvard School of Public Health website ( the majority of studies indicate a positive correlation between high soda intake and weight gain. Studies also show strong evidence that  people who drink soda are more likely to have diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Most of you are probably thinking that people who drink a lot of soda probably have other unhealthy eating habits and this is what causes the adverse health effects, but this is not the case. In the Nurses' health study the health of 90,000 women was observed for over 20 years and researchers found that women who drank soda but otherwise had healthy diets were still more likely to have a heart attack than women who abstained from soda.
So we can all agree that soda is probably not the healthiest drink of choice but what about diet soda? Well it has no sugar, calories or carbs but does that make it better? Studies show differing results when it comes to weight and soda. Many studies show that when diet soda is drank rather than regular soda participants experienced weight loss. However, there are some studies where people actually gained weight drinking diet soda. Researchers believe the cause for this weight gain was due to the palate not being satisfied by the diet soda and so participants end up consuming more calories to obtain satiety.
The best thing for your health is to practice moderation with both these beverages as you would with anything else in life. If you have to satisfy that sweet tooth why not have a favorite 100% juice instead?

Brain Power!

           Forget where you put your car keys last night? Guilty…this happens to me all the time. Juggling long hours at work, being a full-time student, remembering to pay bills, and attempting to have a social life can add up to major stress levels by the end of the day. All of this stress takes a toll on the brain! To keep the brain in fine tuned condition, there are several lifestyle changes that can be made to lead to a more memorable life. Let’s face it; you or me aren’t getting any younger! Doing the following seven-step exercise and diet plan can increase brainpower:
1: Get that heart rate goingà As little as 30 minutes of walking a day increases blood flow to the brain and reverses the shrinking of brain cells. The results? Better memory!
2: Tone up lower back & absà Have you seen how obnoxious college books are? Getting around with out carrying heavy weight is unrealistic. The down side: you’re hurting your back AND brain capacity. Another reason to tone up
3: Keep it below 25à maintaining a BMI below 25 & decrease loss of brain tissue in the memory factory of the brain, the temporal lobe. Excess fat contributes to toxic chemicals eating away at your memory.
4: An apple a dayà we all know the saying, well put it into action! Apples contain high levels of the antioxidant quercetin that can help defend against damage.
5: Complex imagesà engaging photos is like lifting weights to build up the brain.
6: Me gustaà Spanish. French. Chinese. It doesn’t matter, picking up a second language at any age showed a 35% increase in gray matter (darker tissue in the brain, a.k.a. intelligence)
7: Shop till you dropà Yep, that’s real. A study found that 75-year-old women had better brain function than 75-year-old men due to a little thing called shopping. All the physical and mental activity that goes into it benefits our minds…and wardrobe!

More information can be found at Women’s Health Magazine

Friday, February 17, 2012

Can Chocolate be Healthy?

Feeling bad about eating all that chocolate from Valentine’s Day? No need to worry! New research is showing that consuming chocolate can have health benefits. In recent years, Chocolate has gotten a lot of media coverage, due to the belief that it may help protect your cardiovascular system. The reasoning being that the cocoa bean is rich in a class of plant nutrients called flavonoids. Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. These flavonoids, which act as antioxidants help to protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage that leads to heart disease. However, with that being said, it is important to understand that not all forms of chocolate contain a high level of flavanols. So before you grab your next piece of chocolate candy; keep this in mind. Most commercial chocolates are highly processed and since cocoa has a very naturally strong, pungent taste, which comes from the flavanols, cocoa goes through several steps to reduce this taste. So it is important to remember that the more your favorite chocolate has been processed, the more flavanols it has lost. It was once believed that dark chocolate contained the highest levels flavanols. However, recent research indicates that depending on how the dark chocolate was processed, that this may not be true. But there is good news; most major chocolate manufacturers are looking for ways to keep the flavanols in their processed chocolates. So for now if you’re looking for a healthier choice, your best option is likely dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants, nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries.
For more information about how chocolate can be healthy, Click Here!

Sleep, where are you?

            Do you ever have those long, restless nights when you can’t seem to fall asleep no matter how hard you try? We all dread those nights when we are tossing and turning because we can’t get school out of our heads.  As college students, we have a different type of stress than most other adults that is hard to handle and can easily be triggered. For instance, we have to worry about living on our own for the first time, new bills and adjustments, three exams in one week, random homework assignments, and still trying to maintain a social life.  When someone is too stressed out, sleep can be a hard necessity to accommodate.  However, there is no need for you to worry anymore! I found some great tips to make sure you can fall asleep hassle free!
            First and foremost, unplug your electronics and relax. Cuddling up with your laptop or smart phone at night will disrupt your sleeping pattern. Besides, you’re probably on your laptop all day from doing schoolwork so take a break from it.  Next, don’t overload on your caffeine intake.  As college students, we thrive off caffeine, but quit the habit before hitting the sack for the night.  Also, it is a no-no to over-hydrate yourself.  Yes, we live in one of the hottest states in the United States, but the more you drink, the more you wake up to use the restroom.  Last, but not least, you should tidy up your bed in the morning.  Personally, I sleep better when I get in a freshly made bed. It can also make your room look cleaner which can help you sleep too.  According to Shape Magazine, people who clean their room and make their bed sleep better because they feel less stressed and restless. 
            I hope these minor changes that you can make have helped you think of your next step to a better nights sleep! For more tips you can visit

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hey guys eat more pizza!

Worried about prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease? Have a family history of it? Or just worried because you are a male and subject to this possibility? Well I have some good news for you, not a guarantee because let’s face it not much in this world is guaranteed, but I have some good news that really isn’t hard to follow, hard to find or even a secret. I would like to share with you something that all men should really know and should pass on to their children.

Ok so what is it!? Ready to make an effort on what could be one of the deciding factors? Ok I’ll tell you, it’s TOMATOES! Did you know that tomatoes are an excellent source of Lycopene? Well what is Lycopene you might ask? According to Mayoclinic: “Lycopene is a carotenoid present in human serum and skin as well as the liver, adrenal glands, lungs, prostate and colon.” Sure you can buy Lycopene supplements, but the studies have not proved that lycopene alone is the cure, but that tomato consumption is the primary factor. Studies also suggest that eating cooked tomatoes are richer in Lycopene and tomatoes cooked with oils or fats increase the absorption in the small intestine. Do you know what I am about to tell you now!? Guess what foods have the most cooked tomato with oil and fats? PIZZA, PASTA, LASAGNA (yeah I know that’s a pasta too, but I love it! Haha). So do yourself a favor and eat more pizza and pasta just be careful not to eat too much bleached flour, which is a whole new subject, but here are a couple suggestions to get you started: Whole Wheat Pizza, Chicken and Sundried Tomato Orzo

by David Martin

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

carrots help you see??

“Eat your carrots, they help you see better!!!”…Really Grandma??

For many of us, this may have been a familiar sentence that had been recycled through generations, but how much truth does it actually hold?
Surprisingly, grandma’s got it right for once!! Carrots, like other orange fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes and apricots carry large amounts of beta-carotenoids, which do assist in prevention against glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and night blindness. Now, what if you hate each of those three items? Does that mean you will get all of the above listed eye disorders? The answer is no! The main ingredient you are looking for is vitamin A, which is also referred to as retinol. However, despite what many may believe, taking a supplement of omega-3 fatty acids or other vitamins containing vitamin A will not help with eye health. This doesn’t mean that these supplements are not effective for other things.  Beta-carotenoids are converted to vitamin A once our body begins to break it down. Where can vitamin A be found? Fish oil, liver, eggs, fortified dairy products, and the obvious red meats. Even eating a salad will get you some vitamin A. So maybe carrots aren’t your thing? Well the good news is vitamin A can be found in so many other things providing you with several options to choose from.  

So about those carrots, next time grandma tells you to eat them….do it! Or you can pretend you ate them and go get a tasty salad later, that’s what I do!!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Achievable Goals

We are in our second month of the new year now.  It's a good time to ask the question: how are we doing with our New Year's resolution?  If you are somewhat struggling to accomplish your New Year's resolutions, here are some adjustments that can keep you motivated in achieving them: 

1.    Change your goals so that they are easy to achieve/attainable. Many of us make goals that looks good but isn't always something we can attain.  For example, one could say that they want to "stop eating at all fast food places" or "stop drinking regular soda."  These stated goals may seemed wonderful, but if you enjoyed fast food and go there five times week, following a new goal will be hard to do.  Instead, start with something like "I should limit the amount of days I eat at a fast food restaurant to four days or less." The stated goals is achievable because it is easy and require a slow transition from your previous lifestyle.
2.    Change your goals so that they are a little bit more specific.  Like the given examples above, make sure to have goals that have definite stated outcome.  For example, instead of saying "I want to lose weight" try "I want to lose approximately five pounds by two weeks." The stated altered goals have an outcome that you could measure.  By having a measurement for your outcome, you are now able to know where you are at with your goals.

Change your goals to ones that you enjoy.  It's good to have a goal in mind that is attainable and definite. However, if the goal that you're trying to do isn't something you will enjoy, you might as well not do it.  For instance, if you're goal is to go to the gym, but don't like going there, you shouldn't.  Instead find something you will enjoy that still requires the same amount of energy or effort as going to the gym: swimming, longboarding, hiphop dancing, parachuting, exploring, hiking, wrestle your girlfriend…. You get the point. For more lists that you'll enjoy click here:

Sweet tooth

During our college years, it becomes so tempting to eat in an unhealthy manner. One of the biggest issues I have is my sweet tooth. I love to eat anything sweet! I think that as children, we are always taught that is we eat all of our meal, we get a "treat" at the end; this treat may be a certain privilege, a new toy, or dessert. It can become a problem if we do not realize how many sweet cravings we give in to. 
On this website we can see different ways to avoid eating super sugary sweets and eat something more healthy. Here are a few of my favorite sweet alternatives:

1. Fruit. We all know to eat our 5 fruits and vegetables everyday, but it can be a challenge. Try to think about what type of sweetness you like and then find a fruit that tastes the same way. For example, I love Starburst candy. When I realize that it is the juiciness and fruit flavor I like, I can then swap out the processed candy for a bag of sliced pineapple and apples.

2. Yogurt covered pretzels. Another one of my all time favorite candies are Flipz chocolate covered pretzels. The sweetness of the chocolate and saltiness of the pretzel is the perfect match. A healthier way to get that same flavor is to try yogurt covered pretzels. These treats will mirror that same sweet and salty combination in a healthier way.

3.  Fruit smoothies (preferably made at home with only fruit, ice, and unsweetened fruit juice). Overall, my true weakness for sweets comes to ice cream. I could eat ice cream every single day if I had it. The best way I have found to curb my ice cream craving is to make myself a healthy fruit smoothie. It becomes fun to experiment with different fruits and even vegetables to see what makes the best taste.

I encourage all of you to try and cut out one sweet a day for a healthier option. Good luck with your sweet tooth!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Missing Link

February 12, 2012

The Missing Link

Are you spending a considerable amount of time dedicating yourself to strength training and aerobic exercises, but still not seeing those extra pounds disappear?  This scenario can become extremely frustrating and after awhile of not seeing results you may begin to wonder what the point of working out really is. You are already mostly eating all the right things.  Are you the exception to all the weight loss rules?  How will you ever find a way to physically exemplify yourself as a professional in the Health Promotion industry if you are still at an undesirable weight?

What if I told you the good news solution is actually something you've already heard of.  I think the only reason this action is not widely utilized and accepted is because we have been conditioned to regard this action as an inconvenient chore and a non-solution.  I can remember growing up watching television advertisements that promoted various get thin quick remedies, with unhappy actors stating that nothing else has worked so far.  They also complained about how tired they were of counting calories.  I probably have heard that comment so many times in my life, that I ultimately disregarded counting calories.

It is plainly understood that in order to manage an ideal weight, we must manage our caloric intake.  How can we manage our calories if we are NOT counting them?  It is difficult for most people to make a mental tally of everything we've put in our mouth on any given day.  A professional Lifestyle Coach recently turned me on to a website:  Free of charge, it lists the calorie content of just about everything under the sun.  I started keeping track of my daily calorie consumption in a 5 x 7 spiral notebook.  Rather than being a chore, it has turned out to be extremely empowering.  No more guessing!  I know exactly how many calories I am consuming and when I have reached my caloric maximum for the day, I know the party is over, and it's much easier to stop eating.   Besides, I know I get to start all over again at zero when I wake up tomorrow morning. :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Goodbye Chocolate Milk

Imagine you are 6 years old again. You are in the school lunch line and have all your favorite foods on your plate and just need your favorite chocolate milk. Then you are informed that white milk is the only option but you do not even like milk unless its the chocolate kind. You know your mom wants you to drink your milk but why bother even get the white milk if your just going to throw it away anyway. Ultimately you decide on just water because milk just is not the same without the chocolate in it.

The 2012-2013 school year will bring a change to the reimbursable meal plan in schools. The US Department of Agriculture has published regulations that will eliminate low fat flavored milk from being reimbursed in the meal plans at schools across the country. The milk will be available for purchase separately.

Michelle Obama is supporting This decision as part of The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act but may not realize the effect this could have on children's calcium intake. If children do not like milk, they are left with water or juice as beverage options. This could mean that children will end up consuming more sugar with the juice option. Eliminating the chocolate milk will not cause children to choose white milk instead. 

In high schools, milk is not the preferred beverage although chocolate milk is more popular than white. If the chocolate option is taken away from them, they are more likely to choose soda. This makes it more difficult for adolescents to meet their calcium needs. Cheese and yogurt are the other options but the consistency of yogurt is a turnoff to many children. The good news is that the flavored milk will still be available, just not in the reimbursement meal plan.

The Paleo Diet

Okay, so you just heard from a friend about this totally awesome new diet called the Paleo diet. You take a step back and look at him again and realize he looks slim, fit and healthy so you begin to wonder if you could do the Paleo diet. Well the Paleo diet is also known as the caveman diet, basically you eat like a caveman, pretty simple, eat straight from the Earth (except legumes and grains, of course). As a participant of the diet you eat fish or lean meat as your protein, then fruits and vegetables and fats (like nuts, avocados and natural oils). Only those things.

Of course there are some great advantages to this diet, it gets people away from refined processed foods and adds diversity to their diet (if followed correctly). These are things that almost anyone could benefit from and is relatively sound nutrition advice with one possible minor problem... how likely is this to be an actual lifestyle change? After all isn't that the real goal, if you have some unhealthy habits, change them, forever.

My other frustration with this diet and what people tend to say about it is the weight loss. Yes, if you go on this diet you would likely lose weight, unless of course you eat an endless supply nuts and avocado. However, this is not because grains and milk make people fat, it's because you stopped eating bread with sandwiches and started drinking water instead of water. If you cut out two slices of bread and one glass of milk a day, that's around 300 calories less. Eating a normal diet including milk and grains you can still lose weight if you cut out 300 calories.

A diet should become a way of life, so that it is not something you call a diet any more, if it cannot be changed for good then how was it useful? And before trying an extreme diet, if you want to lose weight try cutting a few calories first.

Eating Out Done Right

You’ve just spent 40+ hours slaving over your textbook, looking for lost note cards, and filling out three study guides. You’re tired, and on top of that you’re HUNGRY! The most logical thing to do would be to satisfy your hunger. So you ask yourself the most complex question known to mankind; do you bring out your inner Rachael Ray and start cooking? Or refer to your wallet hoping you have enough money to dine out?
For many students eating out is convenient and sometimes more affordable than cooking at home. But let’s face it, eating out is not always the best health choice.

At a drive thru, people have the option to super size their order or order from a 99-cent menu. Restaurants are in constant competition with kitchens at home, so it may be tempting to eat out rather than to stay at home and cook. Making better health choices are possible at restaurants and it all starts with you. Here are some tips to follow for your next restaurant visit:
  •  Order an appetizer or side dish as your main meal, or share a meal with a friend.
  • Ask for water or order low-fat or fat-free milk, unsweetened tea, or other drinks with no added sugars.
  • Order foods that are steamed, grilled, or baked instead of fried, battered or sautéed.
  • Choose the "small" or "medium" size for your main item, sides, and drinks.
  • Choose regular hamburgers instead of double cheeseburgers with extra bacon and mayonnaise. (click here for full list)
You don’t have to feel guilty about eating out. Eating out is A-Okay as long as its done in moderation. Choose to eat at restaurants that offer fresh, local ingredients such as Chipolte or Einstein Bros. Bagels. 

When you do decide to cook at home meal preparation is key. Plan your meals ahead so you can have more time studying for those exams. 

Jynea Watts

Having trouble losing weight? Spend less time in front of a screen!

If you are like a lot of people, you probably spend a lot of your day in front of a screen.  Between television, movies, video games and laptops, most entertainment is centered around a screen.  On top of that, many people sit in front of a screen for a lot of their school or work day.  Between all of this sitting, there is not a lot of time in the day to be active. 

With all of this inactivity during the day, it makes sense that people have a difficult time losing weight.  They are not exercising as much, and they have less energy and motivation to be active. 

Staying away from screens as often as possible will benefit your health greatly.  If you are a student or have a job that requires being in front of a computer screen all day, there is obviously nothing you can do to prevent that screen time.  However, by cutting screen time out of your entertainment, it will help you to be more active.  You will probably not spend your free time just sitting or laying down doing nothing, so you will most likely fill that time by taking walks, playing sports, or taking up another hobby.  You might spend more time cooking, which means that you will most likely be eating healthier, which will help if you are trying to lose weight.  This will mean that in general, you will have a healthier, more active lifestyle. 

Of course, you do not have to cut out screen time completely.  Even if you cut down your screen time by an hour, you will have the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.  Here are some more tips to cut down on screen time. 

Psst…It’s Heart Healthy Month! Pass it on.

February isn’t just all about love and cards with cute little heart decorations on them.  It’s also a month to recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy heart (the one that keeps us alive)!

It may be scary news if you didn’t already know, but Cardiovascular Disease (AKA heart disease, hypertension) is the number one cause of deaths in America.  Cardiovascular Disease is caused by impaired blood flow throughout the body or by the heart not pumping blood as well as it should.  This could lead to a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure. 

Enough with the bad news, and on to the good news… J

There are many things you could do for yourself to decrease your risk of being the next victim of Cardiovascular Disease.  First of all, feeding yourself healthy foods is possibly the easiest way for you to keep your heart healthy.  You may be thinking, ‘What healthy foods exactly should I be eating?’ Below is a broad list.

Heart-healthy foods:

  • ·      Fresh fruits
  • ·      Fresh vegetables
  • ·      Beans and legumes
  • ·      Whole grains
  • ·      Nuts
  • ·      Fatty fish
  • ·      Tea
  • ·      Dark Chocolate

Foodgawker and Whole Foods have plenty of recipes for these ingredients.

Since all of these different healthy foods contain all different nutrients, there is not just one food that will keep your heart healthy.  The key is to always have variety in your diet.  Have assorted colors of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis because different colors contain different nutrients.

Remember to exercise and get your sleep.  It’s as simple as walking everyday for at least 30 minutes because something is better than nothing.  It’s all about a healthy lifestyle to a healthy heart.

Spread the love this Valentine’s day by sharing this information to family and friends.  
Happy heart-healthy month!