Saturday, March 31, 2012

Eat Less, Move More & Save MORE MONEY

Gym? Who needs it!

                Want to look good for the summer but a personal trainer and gym fees breaking your pocket? Well put your money away, because the reality is you don’t need to spend tons of money on a monthly membership fee. In fact all you need to do is follow this simple rule “eat less, and move more”, and you will be on your way to an in-expensive healthier life in no time. This idea of “eat less, and move more” is simple -no doubt-, but it’s not necessarily easy. However, when is anything with high worth ever easy? It’s like the age old saying goes “if it was easy, than everyone would do it”. However, it’s no more difficult than it is going to a gym. Below are a few ways you can put the two essential components to losing weight in practice.
Ways to help you move more and eat less:
                Find a friend who shares the same desire to drop weight. Have this friend be your exercise buddy, this will help with accountability on be physically active and will motivate you to move!
                Do activities that are free and enjoyable for you. For example, hiking, walking your dog, running, or dancing with friends requires little, to no money at all to do and they can be things you like doing. I once heard it said that the best exercise is the one you are willing to do.
                Constantly be moving your body everywhere you are at. For instance, while you are sitting down at work for your long shift constantly tap your feet on the ground or for every 50 minutes sitting down, walk up and down the stairs for 10 minutes. You’ll be surprised on how all those little movements add up to BIG calories lost.
                When it comes to eating, moderation is the key. Don’t hold out on yourself on those oh so delicious treats you enjoy. Simply decrease the intake of them. As long as you have less calories coming in your body and more going out of your body (thorugh the increased movement) you are guaranteed to shed weight. This is not a quick fix! In addition, it would be to your advantage to not only change how much you eat but to also change what you eat
So, enough with wasting your precious hard earned money on things you do not need. Stay motivated, and dedicate time & energy to this & you will see results. 

Eating Breakfast

How many college students really eat breakfast in the morning? It can be very hard for college student to eat breakfast in the morning because they might not have time or it just too early for them to eat. In my case I think eating breakfast in the morning takes too much time so I never actually have time to eat something so I just walk out the door and eat later in the day. We have probably all heard that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In my case I had heard it but never realized how important it really was until I started eating breakfast because it did make a difference for me.  I found an article that says that eating breakfast is a very important thing that everyone should be doing and especially if you’re a college student because eating breakfasts gives you the energy you need to start your day. Eating breakfast it’s important for us college students so we could concentrate in class and our body will have the energy it needs to stay focus and not go into starvation mode which will cause a distract for you because you will be feeling hungry. Also eating breakfast can be very important for those girls who are worried of gaining weight in college because in this article is says that by not eating breakfast it can cause you to eat more later in the day because you’re going to feel like your starving so you’re just going to eat anything you can. Also by not eating breakfast it can cause us not to make the best choices later on when we do eat because we feel super hungry that we get the unhealthiest food that we can find or the quickest which usually are unhealthy. But by eating breakfast we might make better choices because we won’t feel like we are starving.  Here I found some breakfast ideas for college students that are simple so eating breakfast wont be an issue anymore.

Healthy Eating In an Active Lifestyle

As college students juggling work, school, relationships and family it is important that we have enough energy. In order to perform at our fullest potential, healthy eating is essential. It may seem hard to find time to make healthy meals or it may not seem practical if you live in a dorm. However, there are ways in which you can still eat healthy food and not spend a lot of money doing it. Preparation is important. Make it a habit to plan your meals at the beginning of the week. When planning your meals, try and think about your budget so that you know if eating out is an option and how often you plan on eating out. It will help you keep on track. However, make sure that you have alternative options if your plans change. Buy whole fruits and vegetables and cut them yourself. Then put them into small containers or plastic bags to take with you. Baking or grilling vegetables is a good way to conserve nutrients and enjoy them if you do not like them raw. Pre sliced and pre packaged produce cost more. Purchase nuts and dried fruit to make your own trail mix. Try and incorporate sandwiches into your menu. They are simple to make and are not hard to carry with you. When making sandwiches, make sure that you limit the use condiments that are high in fat or use substitute them for lower calorie versions.  Buying a rotisserie chicken is a good way to cut back on cooking time and it can be used in a variety of ways. A few ways in can be used is in a sandwich, added to a sauce for pasta, with mashed potatoes or rice and vegetables etc. Instead of buying bottle water at school or on the go, try and use a reusable water bottle or if you must have bottled water purchase it in bulk from grocery stores rather than vending machines or gas stations. If you are already eating healthy, try and think of ways to continue when you travel. The most important thing is to take time to take care of your body through a healthy diet and enjoy the food you eat.

No more red meat for me?!

How does this juicy hamburger appeal to you? As college students, this can be your usual meal, several times a week! It is convenient, ready in minutes and incredibly tasty. As a meat lover, I would not turn down the opportunity to devour this meal.
So, how many of us don’t enjoy a nice steak or a couple of carne asada tacos once in a while? In some of our cultures, red meat is essential on our plates and eat it almost, if not, daily. However, what we don’t know is how harmful it could potentially be on our lifespan. Recent studies have shown that the more red meat we eat the higher the risk of death is. Researchers are not sure what can possibly shorten our lifespan, but saturated fat, sodium, carcinogens, and nitrates have been pointed to. We usually eat more than the recommended serving size of 3 oz., which is the size of a deck of cards. Isn’t a hamburger patty larger than a deck of cards already? Now, add that to the bacon or sausage patties you ate for breakfast. Got you thinking now, huh?    
However, not all is harmful. Red meat is full of nutrients. It does provide muscle and bone-building protein; it is high in iron, Vitamin B12, and zinc for our diets. Just remember variety and moderation is key for a healthy diet. Try alternating with fish and poultry.   
 Have you ever put much thought as to how often you eat red meat? Learn the facts of eating red meat at

Yoga benefits people with special needs!

       Yoga is A Hindu discipline practice aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity. It is known to help people through stress, anxiety, muscle recovery, endurance, and improvement in strength and posture. Recently, yoga has been found to help people with special needs. Specialists improve their breathing, hand and eye coordination and creating less pain in their limbs, imagine that!

One of my friend’s from home has a sister that has a disability and is stuck in her wheel chair for the rest of her life. Her family has always wanted to get her involved in anything possible that would make her feel like she was doing activities that are benefiting her life. Joan Cary, has provided me with this information that yoga is an upcoming beneficial reward to people with special needs. In her article, she tells a story about a 18 year old , Erin Feeney, who has never been able to blow out a candle in her life. That’s pretty heartbreaking isn’t it? She then goes on talking about how she has been doing yoga with a personal yoga specialist the past year. At the end of the story, Erin Feeney, was turning 19 years old. She went to blow out her candles and was able to blow out one candle! This was a huge accomplishment for her and she had never felt so happy in her entire life. 

Yoga has helped improved Erin’s life but many others as well. You can now find more information on, which is an international program designed to help babies , children and adults with special needs to learn and practice yoga. The statistics of yoga benefits for special needed people is increasing in numbers. It is becoming more popular within the communities and there are many people who are becoming specialists in this area. 

This information is useful to any family or friends that know of a person with special needs and can refer them to a specialist by going to the website provided above. 
By: Nicole Garrity 

Friday, March 30, 2012

What is Pro-Ana?

There are over 11 million people struggling with an anorexic or bulimic eating disorder in the U.S.  The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders states that 25% of college aged women have binged and purged in order to manage their weight.  Men are not immune to this illness, and in fact, 1 and 10 men are struggling with an eating disorder.  Unfortunately, many of these women and men will not seek help. 

Recently, I learned about a movement known as Pro-Ana.  This movement celebrates anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders.  Some of you may already be familiar with it, but for those of you who are not, Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia are movements that promote the eating disorders known as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, respectively.  Both of these terms are often times used interchangeably.  Bottom line, they both promote eating disorders as a “lifestyle”… not a mental illness. 

I was sadly disappointed to find numerous websites containing blogs written by young women sharing a step by step guide to dropping extreme amounts of weight.  One site even included 71 Pro-Mia tips for viewers to follow.  These bloggers track their own progress (or their unfortunate battle with the illness) by posting pictures of themselves, as well as logging what their weight was before, what it is currently, and the weight they are hoping to attain. Some sites even act as a vehicle for Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia followers, allowing them to connect and communicate to one another about their struggle to become extremely thin.  

An eating disorder is a very serious mental illness and it should not be promoted or celebrated. Recently, some blogging websites, such as Pinterest have banned Pro-Ana forums, and fortunately, others are following.  While there is no specific evidence that the Pro-Ana websites are influencing people who are struggling with the illness, a survey of teens suggested that at least 40% had visited a Pro-Ana/Pro-Mia website.

If you or someone you know may have an eating disorder, please talk to someone immediately.  Please know that help is available.  The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Helpline is 1-800-931-2237.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's with all the Buzz on those TINY bugs?

This just in….the coffee giant Starbucks is using bugs in their drinks!! Say WHAT?!  Starbucks has been known to refer to their Strawberry Frappuccino’s as a vegan friendly product but with the news surfacing that it now contains bugs, a barista that works for the company decided to spread the word through so that other vegans would not consume this product unintentionally!

The Cochineal extract comes from the dried bodies of the Cochineal bug and has been used to dye fabrics for thousands of years. This extract is also known as “carmine” or “crimson lake”, and is then used to add color to many food items such as yogurt, candies, fruit drinks, ice cream, and even cosmetics. The FDA states that the extract is safe for human consumption and that companies must clearly label food and products that contain the “cochineal” extract.

While this extract is not new to the food world it has caused quite a stir for the coffee giant with many consumers those who are vegan in particular to call out the company who states that their main goal is to limit the amount of artificial ingredients in their products while also striving to carry products that meet the vast variety of dietary and lifestyle needs of their customers. With the news spreading a petition has been prompted by that wants Starbucks to use more natural alternatives to coloring such as red beets, purple sweet potatoes, and paprika.

I have always been a fan of Starbucks and will often stop by there on my way to class to get my drink of choice which is the Green Tea Lemonade, and while I can see why this story is gaining news coverage across the nation I really do not see what the big deal is. As long as the integrity of the product is still intact and is safe for human consumption with no ill side effects, I say let the good times roll. Undoubtedly this publicity will only cause Starbucks to gain more loyal fans who want to go BUG!!   

By: Ashley Dydasco

Diet Changes Improve Your Mood!

I’m sure everyone can relate to those sluggish or sad days of not wanting to do anything because of your lack of energy, right? Well fear no more, there have been studies done to show that just tweaking your diet a little bit can result in huge changes regarding how you may feel.  Joy Bauer, a Master of Science, Registered Dietician, and certified dietitian/nutritionist, states that if you happen to be cranky, irritable, and quick to snap at friends, family, and coworkers, a better eating plan may be just what is needed. Joy gives great strategies to stabilize blood sugars which will then lead to hopefully leveling out your mood.  Some of them are:
·         Eat every 4-5 hours
o   Doing this provides the brain and body with a constant source of fuel.
·         Limit refined carbohydrates to help lessen volatile blood sugar swings.
o   Concentrated sources of sugar like soda, candy, fruit juice, and syrup can create spikes in blood sugar leaving you feeling cranky and tired.
o   Instead include high quality carbs such a vegetables, fruits, beans, pears, brown rice, and oatmeal.
·         Incorporate soluble fiber
o   Soluble fiber rich foods have the ability to slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood lessening mood swing.
·         Incorporate protein with meals and snacks
o   This can help you to feel upbeat so make sure to consume poultry, seafood, veal, pork tenderloin, tofu, eggs, or low-fat yogurt.
There are also three nutrients Joy suggests to incorporate into your diet: (good sources)
·         Omega-3 fats: mood lifting, alleviates depression (oily fish, canola oil, walnuts)
·         Folic acid: low levels in blood are related to depression (lentils, black-eyed peas, oatmeal)
·         Vitamin B12: low levels are also related to depression (shellfish, cottage cheese, milk, eggs)
·         Vitamin D: relieves mood disorders because it increases the amount of serotonin (fish with bones, fat free/low fat milk, fortified soy milk, egg yolks)
I have found so many tasty, energy boosting recipes that one can make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; as always there are deserts as well! So, hurry up and get started, happy mood changing!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Almost 25% of people in the US do not know they have diabetes. That being said, most people do not know what to look for when it comes to diabetes. There are set risk factors that can increase your chance of getting diabetes at some point. One risk factor is having a body mass index greater than 25 and being physically inactive. Another risk factor is being of a certain ethnic group such as American Asian, Latino, Native American, African American, and Pacific Islander. Some other risk factors include previously having gestational diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypertension, and an HDL level less than 35mg/dl or a triglyceride level above 250mg/dl. Now some of these risk factors are easy to spot (ethnicity, obesity, and inactivity) yet some can be difficult without diagnosis from a medical doctor. With a simple blood draw, you can test HDL and triglyceride levels. The doctor can also test to see if you are hypertensive (high blood pressure) or if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome. Now just because you might have these risk factors, does not mean that you are diagnosed with Diabetes. There are certain tests that must be performed to properly diagnose Diabetes.

The following tests must be performed to properly diagnose you with diabetes: 1 hour glucose tolerance test, random blood glucose test, fasting blood glucose test, and hemoglobin A1c test. With this information the doctor will be able to properly diagnose you. But you may ask how do I know if I have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is the result of the destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Your body is no longer able to produce insulin, which is needed to turn glucose into energy in the body. If there is no insulin present, your body will store the glucose into something called glucagon instead of using the glucose for energy like the body is supposed to do. Type 1 diabetics need insulin to survive. With type 2 diabetes, your body is insulin resistant. Type 2 is usually linked to obesity and can be controlled through diet and exercise in the best conditions. Ask your primary care physician for information or go to

Monday, March 26, 2012

User Friendly Evidence-Based Research

In the modern world, medical information (factual or not) is at the touch of a button. We can find just about anything on the Internet. Sure, there is a lot of false information but even if we do find the evidence-based research, how many average people can actually make sense of it?
If I’m curious about lowering my blood sugar and I find a reliable research source that tells me mice were given 0.5 micrograms of some long named compound and their blood sugar was lowered, what have I really learned? Probably not very much. But, if I were able to get the same information in a format that was applicable to my lifestyle, I might be able to make a positive change in my life.
Well, this is just what Jack Chellam did in his article for dLife about blood sugar control. dLife is a website designed to provide information to people with questions about diabetes. In this article, Chellam discussed research done by ASU’s Dr. Carol Johnston about the effects of vinegar on lowering blood sugar. The entire article focuses on the evidence-based research but it is much more user-friendly. There are embedded links to help explain the key concepts of diabetes and glucose control. The author also turns the research into something that everyone can use. He mentions specific amounts of vinegar that can be used to lower blood sugar. The article provides easy recipes and other ways to incorporate vinegar into the diet. Overall, this article says the same thing as the research but it’s much more useful to the consumer.
In a time of overwhelming amounts of information, getting people the right information in a way that they can understand is the key. More articles like Chellam’s could improve healthcare immensely. If people knew there was a safe place to get information that was based on research but was applicable to their lives, they may be able to make more positive impacts on their own health and feel more confident in a time of a scary diagnosis. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is caffeine intake getting out of hand?

Many people today are in a constantly hectic state of being; they try to get too much done in an inadequate amount of time. This leads to people drinking energy drinks or coffee and trying to consume as much caffeine as they can to help them stay awake as long as possible.
Consuming high levels of caffeine on a constant basis has been shown to cause symptoms such as anxiety, jitteriness, headaches and fatigue; as well as withdrawal symptoms. Caffeine toxicity can also occur if you consume too much caffeine per your body weight. These symptoms include nervousness, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, upset stomach, vomiting, abdominal pain, tremors, tachycardia, heart palpitations, hallucinations, stroke, paralysis, seizures and even death. 
With these types of symptoms and consequences you would think that people would be prone to staying away from such high levels of caffeine. But most people today don’t even know how much they are actually consuming on a daily basis. Most products don’t even say outright how much caffeine is in them. There is even a new type of dietary supplement called “breathable energy”. It’s pretty much caffeine in a fine powder that dissolves almost instantaneously when breathed in. This is not to be confused with inhaling; you are not supposed to inhale it, only breath in the powder so it can dissolve on your tongue. These claims are very confusing and potentially dangerous. The effects of inhaling caffeine directly into the lungs hasn’t been studied yet and it could be unsafe.  
So now we are not only consuming too much caffeine, but it’s even easier to do so.  One Aeroshot contains about 100mg of caffeine, which is equal to one cup of coffee. If more than one shot is taken in a day, which is likely because people already drink more than one cup of coffee a day, then these caffeine shots could lead to caffeine toxicity even quicker than before. Be aware of what you are bringing into your body and if it is a healthy or normal dose; this could prevent future illnesses or even death.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

How Much Sodium Is In Your Diet?

Sodium always tends to get a bad rap in people's diets. Too much sodium in the diet can lead to increased blood pressure and even long term cardiovascular problems. The American Heart Association suggests that every person consumes less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day. However, most people exceed that amount in just one meal. Processed foods, canned soups, and fast food always seem to be the culprits with an excessive amount of sodium in them. Now there's another food item to watch out for, bread. Bread is the number one source of sodium in Americans' diets today. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even said that people get two times as much sodium from bread and rolls as they do from other snacks, like potato chips. Most people consume around 3,266 mg of sodium a day, which amounts to almost two teaspoons of salt.

Since it is impossible to fully take sodium out of your diet, some ways to reduce the amount of sodium you consume is to:
- One way to skip the bread in your meal is to substitute lettuce for the bun on your hamburger or on your sandwich.
- Cook meals at home so you can control the amount of salt that goes into your meal.
- Learn how to read the nutrition label. Some items that say they are low-fat or fat-free may be packed with sodium. 
- Indulge on salty treats once or twice a week instead of everyday. 

These tips and tricks are easy fixes to the large amount of sodium that you could be eating. Not only will lowering the amount of sodium in your diet help you feel better, it will also reduce you chances of heart attack or stroke in the future. 

Fiber, Fiber, Fiber

I remember when I first learned about fiber in class and afterword reading a large textbook. I thought about how even the bland academic reading made it feel like one of those infomercials trying to sell me the latest greatest thingamajig. Fiber sounded like the cure all. What makes this funny is that fiber isn’t technically a nutrient. Nutrients, like vitamins or minerals, are directly used by the body to make important chemicals and molecules that we need to function. Fiber on the other hand isn’t actually digested. It just slowly passes through your digestive system. It’s what it does on its way out that counts. Fiber first off likes to absorb things. It helps fill you up faster. Fiber also absorbs digestive juices that your body normally recycles, forcing it to use cholesterol to make more, effectively lowering your cholesterol levels. It also adds bulk to ones business making trips to the bathrooms err… um… easier. Fiber has also been linked to better colon (the home stretch of your digestive system) health. Now unlike an infomercial product presentation, I’ll tell you that there is a downside to fiber. When you first start to get more in your diet, the normal bacteria in your gut digests some of it releasing gases. Luckily this is only a temporary problem and your body will adjust. Don’t worry if you bother any roommates about it just tell them you’re getting more fiber in your diet.

You can find sources of fiber in fruits, vegetables, beans, hummus, and whole grains, like oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread, and shredded wheat. A cup of cooked oatmeal will give you 4 grams of fiber however a cup of beans can give you as much as 15 grams of fiber. Men should aim to get 38 grams per day and women should aim for 25 grams. Also, as a side benefit, I can’t think of any foods that contain fiber that are bad for you. If you decide to go the fiber route, know that you will probably be eating healthier foods as a result.

                          Are Gluten Free Diets Always Necessary??
          One new diet that has become a common and well received way to eat, is a gluten-free diet. Normally, a gluten-free diet is necessary to people who have been diagnosed with celiac disease. This disease is an autoimmune disorder that is triggered by gluten. This disease is likely to affect 1 in every 133 Americans.Because of this disease, people diagnosed with Celiac disease are unable to eat things such as wheat, barely, slept, and rye. 

          With so many Americans ruling out gluten from their diets, researchers wonder if it is really necessary. Research has shown that the market for gluten-free products has gone higher than expected, and has valued the market in the billions. However, with so many people now adopting the gluten-free diets, it is a question as to how many of these people really need it. Personally, I found this topic very interesting because I have a cousin that has been on a gluten-free diet for the past two years. When she decided to go gluten-free she told everyone that she had come to the conclusion that she was allergic to gluten, but had made this diagnosis without even visiting a doctor's office. Event though she claims that the diet has benefited her, when I ask what has changed since she has eliminated gluten from her diet she answers that she is less tired. I am not a registered dietitian or a physician, however, this does not sound like a legitimate affect of no gluten in a diet. 
            After reading many articles about gluten-free diets, I couldn't help to think that there are many other people that are having the same mind set as my cousin, and are adopting this diet when it is completely unnecessary to their health. Researchers have found that there is no official data on the prevalence on nonceliac on gluten sensitivity.  I am not saying that the diet is unnecessary all together. There are definitely some people that need to eliminate gluten from their foods, otherwise it could lead to fatal outcomes. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

High Fructose Corn Syrup...... Extra Mercury Please!

I was recently doing a report on the effects of high fructose corn syrup when I stumbled upon some research that linked yet another issue to it.  This time it is mercury contamination.  It appears that the product that is used to break down the starches during the production process can contain high amounts of mercury.  This product, caustic soda, is used to separate the corn starch from the hull.  The mercury within the caustic soda is then transferred to the corn syrup.  The final products that contain this high fructose corn syrup have then, indirectly, been also contaminated by the process.  There have been several news articles on this study, including one done by the Huffington Post.  

It is important to understand the effects of mercury on the body.  Mercury is extremely toxic and can do serious harm to organs and tissue.  As with many heavy metals, like lead, there have been environmental exposure levels which have been deemed as “safe”.  The trouble with this determination is the fact that mercury can accumulate in the tissues and brain and eventually cause a cumulative impact over a period of time.  This is particularly of concern to pregnant women as the brain of the developing fetus may grow abnormally as a result of the mercury exposure.  Until recently, fish was the biggest concern for mercury contamination worries.  No one would have guessed that the ketchup for the “fish and chips” could be causing similar concerns.  I was surprised to see the products which tested the highest for mercury contamination.   

This study has definitely given me some food for thought.

Tips On Dining Out

Do you love to occasionally eat out?

Olive Garden, Kabuki (Japanese Restaurant), Texas Roadhouse, Red Lobster, Cheesecake Factory, Applebees, and IHOP are all lists of great eateries

Several restaurant chains are assisting in helping consumers chose healthier meals on menu items. Restaurants are doing their best in providing low-calorie menu items to better serve their customers.

IHOP is providing a "Simple & Fit" meal by having fewer than 600 calories. One of which has spinach and mushroom with melted provolone cheese, sliced tomato, egg substitute and green onions. Applebee's is also participating and offering better options for their consumers. They added a total of three dishes that have fewer than 550 calories. An example of a dish that is less than 550 calories is a Roasted Garlic Sirloin, 7 oz. garlic marinated sirloin steak with sautéed onions. This dish is also served with herbed potatoes and a grilled Portobello mushroom which is filled with creamed spinach. This past January, Benihana offered two Chef's Specials that are more healthful protein rather than something that is low-calorie.

The United States Department of Agriculture provides more information on Healthy Restaurant Eating.

National Restaurant Association Director of Nutrition, Joy Dubost specializes in figure-friendly lifestyles. As a national medalist in masters' level figure skating, she also assists in helping diners find healtier options for their figures. An initiative that she is participating in is the NRA's Kids Live Well campaign, in which it encourages restaurants to boost the selection of healthy dishes for children. She explains that while eating out for breakfast, before reaching out for the pancake syrup, she suggests adding fruits with your pancakes or waffles. This provides good nutrition, fiber, and moisture. Having an omlette full of garden vegetables helps assist in your diet. During lunch, she advises that you limit the consumption of high-calorie fried foods and also learn to recognize terms on menu such as flash-fried, pan-fried, deep-fried and lightly fried. The best advise that she gives is eating slowly and enjoying the whole experience of dining out. 

Stress Won't Go Away?

Look familiar? At some point in a student's college career, students tend to make an enemy and its name is stress.  Typically, the stressors of college life are trying to get the best grades, peer relations, family relations, romantic relationships, lifestyle, and physical appearance and health. Personally, I have experienced all six as an undergraduate at Arizona State University. Whether it was competing for a spot in the nursing program, my EX-boyfriend cheating on me, getting tasks done for my sorority, struggling with time management, or stressing out about NOT working out because I have "no time".  With all these obstacles thrown at us it is normal for us to become stressed, but how many of us actually do something about it? 

Well I am here to inform you all that stress is dangerous because it may lead to chronic stress. Chronic stress is a psychological, physical and mental problem that affects the body and the mind. It is a serious medical condition which leads to fatal complications if not treated on time. A person suffering from chronic stress may experience insomnia, anxiety and frustration, sexual dysfunction, headache, or develop digestive problems. Research shows that an extreme amount of stress can contribute to heart disease, depression, and obesity because of over-consuming of comfort foods. Clinical research consistently links chronic stress with elevated cortisol levels and diabetes.  In addition, poor coping skills are seen in the rising cases of adolescent self-injury, including cutting and eating disorders.   

We are not doomed I promise but I encourage everybody to cope with it. Here are eight techniques to cope with chronic stress

  • Substituting negative self-defeating thoughts with self affirming ones 
  • Adopting assertive behavior to increase our self esteem and reduce the likelihood of perceived stress
  • Journal Writing 
  • Art Therapy 
  • Humor Therapy - Laughing is good for the soul 
  • Creating Problem Solving 
  • Prioritize, schedule and execute daily responsibilities 
  • Social Support Groups 

So enjoy life and take these techniques with you to lead a less stressful life. And just remember, "You are a miracle, you can do anything" - Wise message from my AP History teacher in high school. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

More on Energy Drinks. Where is the accountability?

The energy drink market is one of the fastest growing among beverage and supplement industries.  Is the product’s quality keeping up with the high demands of a modern and fast paced lifestyle? I am worried that there are vulnerable portions of the young population drinking these beverages unaware of the negative effects.  The energy drinks are not fully disclosing the amounts of stimulant per serving, such as caffeine, nor is the quality of their education over the ingredients sufficient. 
Amongst youth half have reported drinking an energy drink out of curiosity about the taste and to experience the energy behind the claim.  Although it is reported that even college students are undereducated on the ingredients of the drinks and unaware about the healthy dosage of caffeine in one’s diet.  As a student I am like the rest seeking a stimulant to boost performance in the library as well as the gym. I know a safe and moderate daily dose of caffeine is about 200 mg, while mayo clinic’s website reports that 500 mg is a heavy dose where negative effects like irritability, tachycardia, and muscle tremors may be experienced. But as an adult I can accept the consequences as an informed consumer.
The industry is not telling their consumers some simple warnings about healthy caffeine and sugar intake for varying segments of the population. In youth a healthy dose of caffeine is much less and young adults often don’t understand moderation, especially when alcohol is involved.  Vulnerable populations like diagnosed ADHD, eating disorder, or diabetes are susceptible to much harsher consequences of consuming energy drinks and I hope to see more talk on the appropriate use of supplements in youth today.

Cups of Coffee a day ..Keeps Cancer Away?

                More Coffee a Day, Keeps Cancer Away. 

Coffee tends to be the drink of choice for many of us college students, whether finals week or not. Personally, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing that comes to mind is Starbucks. Throughout the day, I am more than likely to drink a few more Venti (large) cups with friends and at times feel guilty… I seem to have a love-hate relationship with the beverage of choice but according to some latest research, drinking coffee … in larger amounts, isn’t as bad we think.

Studies show, men who drink 6-8 cups of coffee (caffeinated or decaf) per day over almost twenty years were 60% less likely to develop prostate cancer. This may not mean anything to you right now, but it definitely means that drinking coffee will DECREASE your risk of death by half by not developing cancer by just drinking your drink of choice: coffee! 

For women, studies have shown drinking 5 or more cups of coffee a day leads to a lower risk in developing breast cancer. This translates to living a long healthy life; with both breasts!

What is the magic behind this? Coffee decreases a man’s chances of getting prostate cancer and women breast cancer by helping regulate insulin and glucose metabolism, which is simply breakdown of sugars and carbs, and helps regulate sex hormone levels which all play a role in cancer. 

Currently, there aren’t any long term studies that show that coffee is completely beneficial or harmful. According to this study, coffee is good. So enjoy it while…… new information comes out.

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