Saturday, February 11, 2012

Having trouble losing weight? Spend less time in front of a screen!

If you are like a lot of people, you probably spend a lot of your day in front of a screen.  Between television, movies, video games and laptops, most entertainment is centered around a screen.  On top of that, many people sit in front of a screen for a lot of their school or work day.  Between all of this sitting, there is not a lot of time in the day to be active. 

With all of this inactivity during the day, it makes sense that people have a difficult time losing weight.  They are not exercising as much, and they have less energy and motivation to be active. 

Staying away from screens as often as possible will benefit your health greatly.  If you are a student or have a job that requires being in front of a computer screen all day, there is obviously nothing you can do to prevent that screen time.  However, by cutting screen time out of your entertainment, it will help you to be more active.  You will probably not spend your free time just sitting or laying down doing nothing, so you will most likely fill that time by taking walks, playing sports, or taking up another hobby.  You might spend more time cooking, which means that you will most likely be eating healthier, which will help if you are trying to lose weight.  This will mean that in general, you will have a healthier, more active lifestyle. 

Of course, you do not have to cut out screen time completely.  Even if you cut down your screen time by an hour, you will have the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.  Here are some more tips to cut down on screen time. 

1 comment:

  1. These are all great alternatives to watching the television! It is probably our nations greatest weight gain dilemma. I justify my own, over the top television consumption by lifting free weights and using resistance bands while I watch my favorite shows. It also makes the time working out fly by. With that said, I still do need to watch less. I guess I am afraid I'm going to miss something important. ;)
