Thursday, January 26, 2012

"2012" Its a Lifestyle, Not a Diet

The New Year is an exciting time for everyone, it is a time to put the mistakes of the past year behind us and press on toward some sort of change in your life. Most New Years resolutions are centered on fitness and health, especially if you are a college student looking to have that ”perfect” spring break body within a few months. These diets can start off fairly intense with all sorts of restrictions, but is this the right way to go?
            In my nutrition and health communications class we were discussing this topic and how diets categorized foods as good or bad. Our professor asked our class to think of a food that was truly bad for us, the room remained silent. With the exception of allergies, no food has been proven to be the sole cause of weight gain or health problems.  In another topic of discussion we reviewed how dieting restrictions can cause someone to crave certain foods simply because they are forbidden, increasing the risk of overeating. The key to a healthy body is conscious eating. The professionals at Weight Watchers provide you with an opportunity to develop these skills. The program guides clients using a point system to help design a diet. Weight Watchers will help to inspire all those who try the program to adopt a healthier lifestyle and maintain weight loss unlike fad diets.
            If you find that Weight Watchers is not your style, an article in the New York Times provides an easier way to track your caloric intake and calories burned. Ultimately, it is important to understand that changing your diet should not focus on losing weight it should concentrate on adopting a lifestyle that will help to maintain weight loss and make your body feel better as a whole. I hope that this post has provided you with information to stick to your New Years resolution and that you achieve the body you have always dreamed of.

Sincerely, Amy Hergenroether

1 comment:

  1. Amy,

    I read the article you posted, “How To Spot A Fad Diet In 10 Easy Steps”; being only a month into 2010 and New Year’s Resolutions probably just starting to fade, this article brings into light a lot of important points. I loved the part about reading between the lines for quick weight loss and avoiding magical diets that claim to work for everyone. With this day and age of information at our fingertips, we are inundated by the latest diet trends and “health” news. It’s so important to educate others on how to see through all the nonsense and make solid, lifestyle changes.
    Great post! I hope you stay motivated throughout 2012!
    Courtney Enos
